Timm's sulphide-silver method and the histochemical procedures for the demonstration of AChE, MAO and SDH were applied to the brains of three strains of adult mice of either sex: C57/BL/6J, DBA/2J and NMRI. Differences between strains were found 1) in the sulphide-silver pattern of the molecular layer of area dentata, probably reflecting differences in entorhinal, ipsilateral and/or commissural connections, 2) in the distribution of the mossy fibers, 3) in the AChE-staining of a suprapyramidal zone of regio inferior, probably reflecting differences in septal connections, 4) in the AChE-staining of the induseum griseum. The staining patters for MAO and SDH did not vary, at least not qualitatively, between the strains investigated. Variation in adult age and sex did not influence the results. Since the differences observed seemed to reflect a pattern of genetic differentiation, five more inbred mice (A/J, AKR/A, BALB/c/A, C3H/Tif, St/6Fi) were included to strengthen the hypothesis that different genetic systems are operating at separate septo-temporal levels in the same areas during the development of the hippocampal formation.