Measurement of neutrino-proton and antineutrino-proton elastic scattering

Measurements of the semileptonic weak-neutral-current reactions νμp→νμp and ν¯μp→ν¯μp are presented. The experiment was performed using a 170-metric-ton high-resolution target detector in the BNL wide-band neutrino beam. High-statistics samples yield the absolute differential cross sections dσ(νμp)/dQ2 and dσ(ν¯μp)/dQ2. A measurement of the axial-vector form factor GA(Q2) is also presented. The results are in good agreement with the standard model SU(2)×U(1). The weak-neutral-current parameter sin2 thetaW is determined to be sin2 θW=0.220±0.016(stat)0.031+0.023(syst).