Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Skin, as Shown by StainingEn Bloc1

A modification of Gomori''s method for alkaline phosphatase was applied to 5-7 mm cubes of fresh, unfixed human skin. Exposure to the substrate of buffered Na-[beta]-glycerophosphate was varied from 8-36 hr, to the 2% Co(NO3 2, 2-12 hr; and to ammonium sulfide (containing approximately 1% NH3), 1-2 hr. Optimum timing for these treatments were found to be 24,4 and 1 hr, respectively. After staining, blocks were embedded in paraffin and serial sections were made. In such small blocks, the staining was uniform throughout the block. Alkaline phosphatase activity was seen in the walls of the subepidermal and peri-appendageal capillaries, as well as in the eccrine sweat glands, and did not differ from that seen in stained frozen sections. In particular, there was no loss of specificity and no diffusion of the enzyme.