Pituitary adamantinomas are solid or cystic, benign or local malignant tumors. They contain enamel or enamel-forming tissue and develop from epithelial rests of the embryonic hypophyseal duct. Several types of tumors or tumor cysts have been described in the sella and the suprasellar regions, and much confusion has arisen regarding their classification and etiology. Some uniformity of nomenclature is slowly appearing, however, and today the classifications of certain types of tumors and their origins are generally accepted. Thus the most common tumor of the hypophysis is now regarded as an adenoma, while the cysts are believed to develop from embryologic remnants of the hypophyseal duct proper or from its extreme upper portion, the pouch of Rathke. Cysts or tumors arising from the duct are distinguished from those originating in Rathke's pouch by the squamous epithelium of the former contrasted with the cylindric, frequently ciliated, epithelial lining of the latter. Some