Is bird fancier's lung associated with coeliac disease?

Precipitin responses to different avian serum antigens occur in bird fancier''s lung (BFL) and celiac disease. Failure to distinguish between them could encourage an erroneous diagnosis of BFL in patients with celiac disease, and the recent suggestion that these 2 disorders are strongly associated may be questioned, partly for this reason. Small bowel biopsy specimens were obtained from 12 of a series of 14 patients proved to have BFL by inhalation provocation tests. None was suggestive of celiac disease. Of 61 patients with biopsy-proved celiac disease, 7 were exposed currently and 33 formerly to birds. BFL was considered a possible cause of undue breathlessness reported by 3 of the current bird fanciers and all underwent inhalation provocation tests. One gave positive results. If a real association does exist between these 2 disorders, its clinical importance has been greatly exaggerated.