Cationic amino acid transport by two renal epithelial cell lines: LLC‐PK1 and MDCK cells

LLC‐PK1 and MDCK cells take up cationic amino acids (lysine and arginine) by a specific sodium independent transport system. Uptake is inhibited by ornithine in LLC‐PK1 and MDCK cells either in the presence or absence of sodium and by glutamine or homoserine in MDCK cells in the presence of sodium. Trans‐stimulation of uptake occurs in the presence of intracellular cationic amino acids. Experiments with valinomycin or with different extracellular potassium concentrations suggest that uptake is dependent on the membrane potential of these cells. These transport features are similar to those previously ascribed to a transport system denominated y+ in other cells. Further experiments suggested that this carrier system is localised to the basolateral membrane in each cell type.