The prenatal detection of the fragile X chromosome: Review of recent experience

The fragile X chromosome has been identified in specimens from 17 male and 10 female fetuses in 11 laboratories throughout the world, obtained from at least 79 fetuses at increased risk for the fra(X) syndrome. Of these, 19 were confirmed, 6 were pending, 1 was negative and 1 could not be confirmed. Twenty‐five of the 79 cases were studied in our laboratory (Institute for Basic Research [IBR]) and resulted in fra(X) demonstration in specimens from 3 male and 5 female fetuses. All 3 males and 2 of the 5 females have been confirmed. When aniocytes from a the two confirmed female fetuses were exposed to FUdR after culturing in Chang medium, fra(X) frequencies were virtually negative indicating that Chang medium should not be used in fragile X studies at least when FUdR is used to induce fragility. Finally, amniocytes from a fra(X) male fetus studied in 3 different laboratories exhibited strikingly different frequencies. To date, we have experienced no falsepositives or negatives, but the latter case was controversial. It is recommended that laboratories undertaking fra(X) prenatal detection use a combination of at least two different proven induction systems as well as complementary DNA marker studies to prevent false negative diagnosis.