Hydroxyethyl starch and prednisone as adjuncts to granulocyte collection

A total of 232 leukaphereses were performed with a continuous flow (CFC) of 89 donors related to recipients to obtain granulocytes for infected granulocytopenic recipients. One hundred fifteen runs were done without pretreatment of the donors and were used as controls. Pharmacological pretreatment of the remaining one hundred seventeen donors included Prednisone, given in an oral dose (50 mg) the evening prior to the run, and/or 250ml of 6 per cent hydroxyethyl starch added to the input line of the CFC throughout the run. A median of 9.2 liters of donor blood was processed with each run. The pretreatment of the donors with Prednisone plus the addition of HES to the input line significantly increased the number of granulocytes collected. Donors tolerated the leukapheresis procedure well, and no significant side effects were associated with Prednisone or HES administration. Early and frequent use of such granulocytes was effective in the short-term control of fever in the granulocytopenic recipients who failed to respond to 48 hours of broad spectrum antibiotic coverage.