The electrical conductivity of amorphous Si films ranging in thickness between 610 Å and 2.2 μm was measured both in the plane and in the transverse directions. A similar although briefer study was performed on amorphous Si0.5 Ge0.5 films. The films were deposited at 300 and 77 °K by the getter-sputtering technique. The major portion of the study was conducted on films deposited and kept at 77 °K: There are marked differences in electrical properties between films deposited at 300 °K and films deposited and kept at 77 °K, which were related to the structure of the films. While a marked anisotropy in both the resistivity and its temperature dependence was previously reported for Ge, one only notices an anisotropy in the temperature dependence with Si films below 2500 Å; this anisotropy increases with decreasing film thickness down to the thinnest film studied (610 Å). In general, one can state that the electrical properties of Si0.5 Ge0.5 are intermediate between those of Si and Ge and that the anisotropy, if present at all, is very small and develops below 1200 Å.