Critical dynamics inCd1xMnxTe spin glasses

The critical dynamics in Cd1x MnxTe is investigated by accurate Faraday rotation measurements carried out in the vicinity of the freezing temperature on compounds of composition x=0.38 and x=0.50. The temperature dependence of the average relaxation time is well described by conventional power law, for critical temperatures Tc=9.9±0.1 K (x=0.38) and Tc=17±0.1 K (x=0.50). The validity of the dynamic scaling law for the imaginary part of the complex susceptibility is tested using the χ’ ’(T,ω) data obtained in the entire temperature and frequency range. The best scalings performed for the above Tc values yield a dynamic exponent zν=9±1 and an order-parameter exponent β=0.6±0.1 for both investigated compounds. The observation of a unique scaling function in the composition range 0.3–0.5 supports the existence of universality.