Properties of La1.8Sr0.2CuO4 superconductors

Critical current, critical field, and carrier density measurements have been made on bulk samples of La1.8Sr0.2CuO4 to assess the potential of such oxide superconductors for practical applications. The importance of preparing samples in a high oxygen pressure was documented. The upper critical field at T=0 was estimated to be 530 kOe. From magnetization hysteresis loops, critical current densities were determined between 0 and 60 kOe. At 60 kOe, the values were 2×103 A/cm2 at 4.2 K and 4×102 A/cm2 at 18 K in samples that exhibited characteristics of weak flux pinning. The effective carrier density at 48 K was 1×1021 cm3, approximately half of the expected upper limit. A set of microscopic superconducting parameters has been derived from transition temperature, resistivity, and upper and lower critical field measurements made on a single specimen.