The Weyl correspondence and path integrals

The method of Weyl transforms is used to rigorously derive path integral forms for position and momentum transition amplitudes from the time‐dependent Schrödinger equation for arbitrary Hermitian Hamiltonians. It is found that all paths in phase space contribute equally in magnitude, but that each path has a different phase, equal to 1/h/ times an ’’effective action’’ taken along it. The latter is the time integral of ph (p,q), h (p,q) being the Weyl transform of the Hamiltonian operator H, which differs from the classical Hamiltonian function by terms of order h/2, vanishing in the classical limit. These terms, which can be explicitly computed, are zero for relatively simple Hamiltonians, such as (1/2M)[P−eA (Q)]2+V (Q), but appear when the coupling of the position and momentum operators is stronger, such as for a relativistic spinless particle in an electromagnetic field, or when configuration space is curved. They are always zero if one opts for Weyl’s rule for forming the quantum operator corresponding to a given classical Hamiltonian. The transition amplitude between two position states is found to be expressible as a path integral in configuration space alone only in very special cases, such as when the Hamiltonian is quadratic in the momenta.

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