Control of the European Corn Borer with Granulated Insecticides in 19551

Granular formulations of insecticides for control of Pyrausta nubilalis were studied for the 3d year in 1955 Endrin, heptachlor, aldrin, dieldrin, parathion, and isodrin were superior to DDT. Other toxicants tested were not as effective. Granular DDT gave borer control equal to that obtained with the emulsifiable form. RVM-AA attapulgite, tobacco-base and bentonite were superior to perlite, celite, vermiculite and LVM-A attapulgite as carriers. There was some indication that borer control was affected by granule particle size. Double or triple applications of insecticides were more effective than single applications. Best control was obtained by treating when egg laying was practically completed and when 75-90% of the plant whorls showed evidence of leaf-feeding by borers. Properly timed insecticidal applications resulted in yield increases of 7-15 bushels of corn per acre.

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