NMR Study of Molecular Reorientation in Solid Hexafluorobenzene (C6F6)

Continuous wave and pulsed NMR studies were carried out on solid hexafluorobenzene (C6F6) from 270 to 77°K. The temperature dependence of the second moment exhibits two regions of motional narrowing and that of the spin‐lattice relaxation time shows minima at 142.5 and 260°K. The spin‐lattice relaxation in the rotating frame has a minimum at 172°K and decreases toward a second minimum at low temperature. Although the line shape is asymmetric in the entire temperature range, it differs between 100 and 145°K from that at higher and lower temperatures. This intermediate region line shape is interpreted as a superposition of two components from motionally inequivalent hexafluorobenzene molecules. The second moment and relaxation time data are consistent with a model in which two different sets of C6F6 molecules reorient around their sixfold axis at different frequencies. Using BPP expressions, we obtain from our T1 and T data the following parameters for the low‐ and high‐temperature motions, respectively, Ea=2.85± 0.15 kcal/mole, τ0=(1.60± 0.1)× 10−13sec,Ea=7.00± 0.40 kcal/mole, τ0=(5.00± 0.3)× 10−15sec.