LDH Levels in Blood and Tissues of Mice Infected with an LDH Agent.

Summary 1. An infectious agent similar to that described by Riley(1) has been demonstrated in 2 transplantable mouse tumors (CD/5 lymphoma and DBA/59 mammary carcinoma). The presence of the agent is detected only by a rapid rise in the plasma lactic dehydrogenase beginning about 29 hours following infection, reaching maximum levels in 9 days and persisting for up to 9 months. 2. Levels of the enzyme in brain, heart, kidney, liver, lung, pancreas, skeletal muscle, spleen, submaxillary gland, thymus and red and white blood cells were determined. No significant differences in any of these tissues were noted between normal and infected mice. 3. Hematocrit values were slightly but significantly lower than normal in mice bearing the LDH agent. These results are discussed in terms of possible sources for the increased level of plasma lactic dehydrogenase which results from infection with the agent.

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