Intraoperative recording of the His bundle electrogram in man. An assessment of its precision.

To estimate the effect of distance between the electrode and the signal source on the amplitude of the His bundle electrogram (HBE) recorded during open heart surgery, a specially designed probe, containing six pairs of closely spaced (1 mm) electrodes was placed on the endocardial surface of the right atrium such that each electrode pair was parallel to the course of the His bundle. The amplitude of the HBE recorded through electrodes closest to the His bundle ranged from 0.76 to 2.44 mV, at 1mm from 0.38 to 1.13 mV, at 2mm from 0.27 to 0.86 mV, and at 3 mm from 0.2 to 0.44 mV. Maximal amplitude of HBE decreased by 57% at 1mm, 73% at 2 mm, and 82% at 3mm. The percent decrease was initially rapid, then declined more slowly at distances greater than 1 mm, resembling in form data obtained previously in animal studies by different techniques. Since the maximum HBE was greater than 1.0 mV in nine of 11 patients, and equal to or greater than 1.0 mV in only two of 11 patients at 1 mm, and less than 1.0 mV in all patients 2.0 mm from the maximal HBE, the anatomic location of the His bundle can be estimated from HBE amplitude. Intracardiac electrograms, recorded through closely spaced bipolar electrodes during open heart surgery, afford clinically useful precision in locating the specialized conduction tissue of the heart.