Total and partialp¯dcross sections from 0.26 to 0.47 GeV/c

The p¯d total cross section is ∼10% larger than the A+BP extrapolated cross section seen at higher (∼0.5-2.0 GeV/c) momenta. The excess is mainly due to the nonannihilation part of the total cross section. The p¯d annihilation cross sections in H2 and D2 are the same. These observations are consistent with known properties of the N¯N(1897). A 3σ dip is present at ∼0.43 GeV/c mainly due to pp¯ annihilation. This dip cannot be understood in terms of a single resonance at N¯N(1897) and the S(1935). Our cross sections are ∼10-20% higher than the recent measurements of Hamilton et al.