First, selected visual aids are shown in this report as taken from the presentation by B. Gossant, giving a survey of internal ballistic programs at SNPE relating to solid propellant combustion mechanisms. This is followed by a visual aid package presented by G. Lengelle and ONERA colleagues, mostly on burning rate determinations. An overview is given by R.S. Miller (and A.W. Miziolek) of considerations relating to the combustion of high energy density materials, also with selected visual aids that were shown. The following presentations consist of extended abstracts and selected visual aids illustrating elements of U.S. programs now set to study combustion mechanisms in a new generation of energetic materials. main purpose of the workshop was to identify strengths of the French and U.S. programs as a forerunner of establishing specific collaborative U.S./France research activities on new energetic materials, known in the U.S. research community to involve new combustion considerations. The burning rate measurement capabilities at ONERA were an agreed strength as well as the availability of a new generation of energetic materials in the U.S., as described by R.S. Miller, with energies characteristic of metallic systems but without telltale signatures. The combustion properties approach theoretically limiting values and the comprehensive analytical description of these properties requires use of the fastest computers. New standardized combustion tests are being designed in the U.S. to evaluate the performances of these materials.