Levels inZr90: Experimental

The levels in Zr90 have been studied by analyzing the radiations of Nb90 in magnetic and scintillation spectrometers employing various coincidence techniques. Multipolarities of most of the transitions have been determined from internal conversion coefficients and KL ratios. A decay scheme (I) for Nb90 has been proposed which assigns the following excited states in Zr90: 1752 kev (0+), 2182 kev (2+), 2315 kev (5-), 3081 kev (4+), 3453 kev (6+), and 3595 kev (8+). Evidence has been discussed for a few weak additional transitions potentially involving three additional levels (decay scheme II). Following the suggestion of Ford, the levels in decay scheme I have all been interpreted as arising from the proton configurations (p12)2, (g92)2, and (g92p12). The half-life of the 3595 kev 8+ state has been experimentally determined as 3×107 sec, in good agreement with the half-life expected for a 141.5-kev E2 transition between 8+ and 6+ states, each involving a (g92)2 configuration.

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