Radioactive Br Isotopes

A radioactive isotope of 2.4-day half-life has been produced in bromine by deuteron bombardment of electromagnetically enriched Se76, and by alpha-particle bombardment of electromagnetically enriched Se74. Assignment of the isotope is made to Br77. A positron end point of 0.4 Mev is determined. In addition to annihilation radiation, gamma-rays and K-capture are observed. The ratio of K-capture to positron emission is determined to be 20. The cross-section ratio of the d,n to the d,2n reaction producing the isotope is 0.3. The ratio of the sum of the cross sections for formation of Br77 by Se76(d,n) and Se77(d,2n) to the cross section for Br82 by Se82(d,2n) is 0.4. A radioactive isotope of 1.7-hour half-life has been produced in bromine by deuteron bombardment and by proton bombardment of enriched Se74. Assignment of the isotope is made to Br75. A positron end point of 1.6 Mev is determined. K-capture is observed in the activity. No gammaray activity other than that due to annihilation is found. The ratio of K-capture to positron emission from the Se74(d,n) reaction is determined to be 4.4. The ratio of the cross section for formation of Br75 by Se74(d,n) to that of Br82 by Se82(d,2n) is 2.1. The 4.4-hour Br80 isotope has been produced by a Se(α,p) reaction and found to emit positrons with an end point of 0.8 Mev. In producing Br77 by proton bombardment of Se the p,γe reaction is observed to be two-thirds as probable as the p,n reaction.