Patterns of Atypical Perceptions of Self and Spouse in Wives of Alcoholics

In a previous study it had been shown that the scores on 6 variables of the La Forge-Suczek Interpersonal Check list consistently differentiated the response patterns of wives of alcoholics from those wives of nonalcoholics. Three of the differentiating characteristics referred to wife role: the wives saw themselves as hyperfeminine, submissive and wanting to be led and managed; and 3 to their perceptions of their husbands: the wives saw their husbands as possessing fewer desirable traits, displaying less emotional warmth and characterized by suspicion and distrust. On each of these 6 variables the scores of 46 wives of alcoholics were compared with the distribution of scores found in wives of nonalcoholics. The most important implication of the findings is that the husband''s drinking does not appear to be more than a secondary issue; these are uncomfortable and unrewarding marital situations which would be little changed by the cessation of drinking.