Two Studies of Periodontal Disease in the Syrian Hamster

All groups, sex and littermates distributed to a total of about 28 animals, were maintained 100 days on a soft high carbohydrate diet. (G I, control; G II, daily toothbrushing, control dentifrice; G III, daily brushing, using "ammoniated" dentifrice; G IV ad lib ingestion of "amraoniated" products in diet). Significant reduction of periodontal disease was observed in G III and G IV over G I and GII.[long dash]Three groups, about 54 animals each, distributed according to sex and littermates received respectively 15, 30, and 45% sucrose in their diets. No significant difference in periodontal disease scores was noted. Comparisons of the 2 studies were made. The scoring method proved definitive, and no sex difference in susceptibility was established.