Quasielastic neutrino scattering: A measurement of the weak nucleon axial-vector form factor

The quasielastic reaction νμnμp was studied in an experiment using the BNL 7-foot deuterium bubble chamber exposed to the wide-band neutrino beam with an average energy of 1.6 GeV. A total of 1138 quasielastic events in the momentum-transfer range Q2=0.063.00 (GeV/c)2 were selected by kinematic fitting and particle identification and were used to extract the axial-vector form factor FA(Q2) from the Q2 distribution. In the framework of the conventional VA theory, we find that the dipole parametrization is favored over the monopole. The value of the axial-vector mass MA in the dipole parametrization is 1.07±0.06 GeV, which is in good agreement with both recent neutrino and electroproduction experiments. In addition, the standard assumptions of conserved vector current and no second-class currents are checked.