Precise vicinal coupling constants3JHNα in proteins from nonlinear fits of J-modulated [15N,1H]-COSY experiments

Improved experimental schemes for the recently introduced J-modulated [15N,1H]-correlation experiment for measurements of the homonuclear amide proton-Cα proton vicinal coupling constants.3JHNα, in uniformly15N-labeled proteins are described, and a nonlinear fit procedure is presented for quantitative evaluation of3JHNα. The method was first tested with the N-terminal DNA-binding domain of the 434 repressor (M=7.3 kDa), where at 13 C precise values of3JHNα in the range 2.0–9.5 Hz were obtained for all residues with resolved15N-1H cross peaks. It was then applied to theAntennapedia homeodomain complexed to a synthetic 14-base pair DNA fragment (molecular weight of the complex ∼ 18 kDa). The3JHNα values measured were found to be in excellent agreement with those predicted from the secondary structure of this protein in the complex.

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