Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectra of Divalent Lanthanide Ions in Calcium Fluoride

The broad-band spectra of most of the divalent lanthanide ions in calcium fluoride were studied with circularly polarized light in magnetic fields at liquid-helium temperatures. Large field- and temperature-dependent anisotropies were found in the bands of ions having an odd number of electrons, all of whose states have Kramers degeneracy. A variety of effects are seen for ions having an even number of electrons, ranging from zero as in CaF2:Er2+ to the large, complex effects in CaF2:Dy2+. The magnetic linear dichroism (MLD) of both Dy2+ and Eu2+ were also measured. The magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) effects of the photochromic ions La2+, Ce2+, Gd2+, and Tb2+ are similar to each other and are only briefly described. This study is primarily concerned with the nonphotochromic ions, whose spectra are due to transitions between the opposite-parity configurations 4fn and 4fn15d. These ions all have the ground configuration 4fn. The magnetic dichroism effects are discussed in terms of the symmetry properties of the lanthanide ion. The large magneto-optic effects are the result of large spin-orbit coupling and predominantly totally symmetric vibronic coupling. Since the MCD and MLD effects are large throughout entire bands, they may be conveniently used in a variety of optical pumping experiments and may serve to detect changes in level populations.