The influence of high pressure freezing on mammalian nerve tissue

Vitrification of biological specimens in liquid nitrogen can be achieved under high pressure (2,100 bars). This procedure obviates the use of aldehyde fixation and cryoprotection (glycerol). The present work demonstrates its applicability to the freeze-etching of mammalian brain tissue. Freeze-fracture replicas from rat cerebellar cortex and subfornical organ prepared by this method are compared to conventionally processed material using aldehyde fixation, glycerination and freezing with Freon. The formation of large ice crystals is prevented in tissue blocks up to 0.5 mm thick; deep etching is markedly enhanced. Cytoplasmic microstructures such as mitochondrial cristae, microtubules and microfilaments, are readily observable against a finely granulated cytosol matrix. An additional advantage is the combined application with freeze-substitution.