1. The correlations between `macro-distribution' (i.e. general geographical distribution) and `micro-distribution' (i.e. specific topographical distribution) of plants are discussed and formulated as `The Geo-ecological Law of Distribution'. 2. Non-experimental methods to obtain quantitative climate indicators are discussed. 3. The decisive role of insolation (expressed by the angle of inclination) and direction of exposure, and called therefore the IE-factor, on the vegetation cover in semi-arid and arid regions at lower latitudes has been explained by detailed analysis of plant-sociological records in an arid area (Wilderness of Judea). 4. A method of establishing the ecological amplitudes of plant species with regard to insolation (i.e. IE-amplitudes) is explained by the examples Laurus nobilis (a tree), Ononis natrix (a subshrub), and Limonium thouini (an annual). These diverse biological types (from Therophytes to Phanerotypes) are determined in their micro-distribution by the IE-factor in the border zones of their distribution areas. 5. The value of `geo-ecological shifts in amplitudes' for understanding quantitative indicators in general has been stressed. 6. Shifts in amplitude (`Amplituden-Verschiebungen') with regard to the IE-factor are investigated in detail on two species, Ononis natrix and Limonium thouini, between the semi-arid (Mediterranean) region near Jerusalem and the arid (Saharo-Sindian) region of the Judean Wilderness near Jericho. 7. A method of using such shifts in amplitudes to establish quantitative climatic indicators is explained in detail on the example of the shifts in IE-amplitudes. In this example such quantitative indications for Palestine were achieved for insolation and precipitation (aridity) by the two investigated species. 8. Some new or unusual conceptions and terms are explained: Geo-ecological law of distribution (Geo-okologisches Verbreitungs-Gesetz), Micro-distribution, Macro-distribution, Ecotypic species, IE-factor, Yearly shift of vegetation, Geo-ecological progression (local or regional), IE-amplitude, Total amplitude (for a whole country or for the whole or a large part of the distribution area), Geo-ecological shifts in amplitudes (Geo-okologische Amplituden-Verschiebungen), and shifts in IE-amplitude.