Automated measurement of13C enrichment in carbon dioxide derived from submicromole quantities of L-(1-13C)-leucine

The 13C enrichment of the carboxyl carbon of leucine was measured by isotope ratio mass spectrometry after conversion to CO2 by reaction with ninhydrin in a Vacutainer and cryogenic purification using the Finnigan MAT Breath Gas Analysis System designed for processing 13C breath test samples. The sources of error which arise with submicromole samples are examined and corrections provided for suboptimal mass spectrometer signals and contamination of the evolved CO2 with CO2 from the reaction medium. The main limitations to the accuracy and precision of the method are not instrumental but arise from the contamination with residual CO2 in the reaction medium, and this sets a lower limit of around 0.25 μmol leucine on the practical sample size. This is an improvement of about five-fold on the previous manual method of CO2 isolation.