Dissecting the multistep reaction pathway of an RNA enzyme by single-molecule kinetic “fingerprinting”

Single-molecule FRET is a powerful tool for probing the kinetic mechanism of a complex enzymatic reaction. However, not every reaction intermediate can be identified via a distinct FRET value, making it difficult to fully dissect a multistep reaction pathway. Here, we demonstrate a method using sequential kinetic experiments to differentiate each reaction intermediate by a distinct time sequence of FRET signal (a kinetic “fingerprint”). Our model system, the two-way junction hairpin ribozyme, catalyzes a multistep reversible RNA cleavage reaction, which comprises two structural transition steps (docking/undocking) and one chemical reaction step (cleavage/ligation). Whereas the docked and undocked forms of the enzyme display distinct FRET values, the cleaved and ligated forms do not. To overcome this difficulty, we used Mg2+ pulse–chase experiments to differentiate each reaction intermediate by a distinct kinetic fingerprint at the single-molecule level. This method allowed us to unambiguously determine the rate constant of each reaction step and fully characterize the reaction pathway by using the chemically competent enzyme–substrate complex. We found that the ligated form of the enzyme highly favors the docked state, whereas undocking becomes accelerated upon cleavage by two orders of magnitude, a result different from that obtained with chemically blocked substrate and product analogs. The overall cleavage reaction is rate-limited by the docking/undocking kinetics and the internal cleavage/ligation equilibrium, contrasting the rate-limiting mechanism of the four-way junction ribozyme. These results underscore the kinetic interdependence of reversible steps on an enzymatic reaction pathway and demonstrate a potentially general route to dissect them.