Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling and Crystal-Field Effects in the Cubic Intermetallic Compounds ErAl3, TmAl3, and YbAl3

The presence of a large nuclear quadrupole coupling of the Al nucleus, as measured with NMR, in the cubic rare-earth aluminum intermetallic compounds β-ErAl3, TmAl3, and YbAl3 indicates that the net charges at the rare-earth and aluminum sites differ by as much as 3 to 4 unit charges. Data on the magnetic susceptibility and this result have been used to analyze crystal-field effects in TmAl3. The ground state appears to be a nonmagnetic doublet Γ3, the next higher level being the triplet Γ5(1) at a distance of 45°K. In addition, from the Knight shift, exchange constants between conduction electrons and 4f electrons have been derived to be Isf=0.24 eV.