WE RECENTLY reported 9 cases1of transitory, migratory pulmonary infiltration with peripheral eosinophilia and paucity or absence of systemic manifestations, fulfilling the criteria of Löffler's syndrome. In these cases the syndrome complicated creeping eruption, which was offered as a previously unreported cause of pulmonary infiltration. The purpose of the present report is to record 17 additional cases of pulmonary infiltration complicating creeping eruption, making a total of 26 cases of Löffler's syndrome occurring among 76 cases of creeping eruption. A report of this larger series is warranted for the following reasons: to establish creeping eruption as an additional etiologic factor in the production of the so-called Löffler's syndrome; to prove that creeping eruption is not always a localized cutaneous disease; to forge an additional link in the chain of circumstantial evidence that the pathogenesis of Löffler's syndrome is an allergic phenomenon. CREEPING ERUPTION Creeping eruption (cutaneous

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