Laser saturation spectroscopy in the time-delayed mode. Theory of optical free induction decay in coupled Doppler-broadened systems

This paper describes a new class of techniques, called time-delayed laser saturation spectroscopy, which combine frequency- and time-domain methods of laser spectroscopy to provide a way of studying a molecular system as it evolves from an initially prepared stationary state to a second, final state. The specific example analyzed here is three-level free induction decay, in which the time-dependent gain of a Doppler-broadened molecular transition is probed after the sudden termination of an intense field resonating with a coupled transition. The theoretical calculation is based on the coupled density-matrix equations of motion in the slowly-varying envelope approximation. The time-delayed line shapes, which may be studied in either transmission or side fluorescence, exhibit linewidth asymmetries, line-shape deformations, Ramsey-type fringes, power broadening and dephasing, and dynamic Stark splittings and oscillatory decays. The technique provides a unique way of distinguishing the influence of Raman-type processes from that of population saturation and a means to separately measure the associated decay rates. The relationship of the present work to other studies is also discussed.