Addition of the polyene antibiotic filipin (50 μm) to the outside bathing solution (OBS) of the isolated frog skin resulted in a highly significant active outward transport of K+ because filipinper se increases the nonspecific Na+ and K+ permeability of the outward facing membrane. The K+ transport was calculated from the chemically determined changes in K+ concentrations in the solution bathing the two sides of the skin. The active transepithelial K+ transport required the presence of Na+ in the OBS, but not in the inside bathing solution (IBS), and it was inhibited by the Na+, K+-ATPase inhibitor ouabain. The addition of Ba++ to the IBS in the presence of filipin in the OBS resulted in an activation of the transepithelial K+ transport and in an inhibition of the active Na+ transport. This is in agreement with the notion that Ba++ decreases the passive K+ permeability of the inward facing membrane. In the presence of amiloride (which blocks the specific Na permeability of the outward facing membrane) and Ba++ there was a good correlation between the active Na+ and K+ transport. It is concluded that the active transepithelial K+ transport is carried out by a coupled electrogenic Na−K pump, and it is suggested that the pump ratio (Na/K) is 1.5.