A new optical technique has been developed to measure the electronic transport properties of semiconductors. It requires only a semiconductor for which the absorption spectrum is known and for which the luminescence can be observed. On the high-energy side of the band-band luminescence peak, the luminescent intensity is proportional to the logarithm of the quasi-Fermi-level separation μ and independent of any other details of the semiconductor's electronic properties. On the low-energy side of the peak, the intensity is additionally proportional to α(E)l, where l is the minority-carrier diffusion length, and α(E) is the material's absorption coefficient. The combination of μ and l with an estimate of the equilibrium carrier density gives the minority-carrier lifetime. The value of μ reflects both surface and bulk recombination rates; manipulation of the experimental parameters allows them to be separated. This technique and its limitations have been demonstrated with measurements on thin polycrystalline films of CdS and on wafers of Zn3 P2 and CdTe.