The stratigraphical palynology of the Kotick Point and Whisky Bay formations, Gustav Group (Cretaceous), James Ross Island

Palynomorph assemblages are reported from the Kotick Point and Whisky Bay formations in west and north-west James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula. The microfloras, particularly the dinoflagellate cyst florules, indicate an Aptian to early/mid Albian age for the Kotick Point Formation and a mid Albian to Turonian age for the Whisky Bay Formation on the basis of comparison with records from other Southern Hemisphere localities. The ages adduced broadly corroborate those previously derived from macrofaunas. The dinoflagellate cyst floras are closely comparable with those previously reported from Australasia to the extent that recognition of certain microplankton zones is possible. The miospore flora is largely composed of long ranging taxa of limited age diagnostic value. The palynoflora comprises 77 dinoflagellate cyst, 52 miospore and 7 acritarch, chlorophyte and prasinophyte taxa.