Automation developments in the control of interconnected electric utility systems

The rapidly increasing capability of the digital process control computer permits the economic solution of many electric utility system operating problems in a more accurate and timely manner. In this paper, the extension of the application area from the field of economic dispatch of generation to more sophisticated functions of system security is traced. Other related problems in the area of operations planning, operations control, and operations accounting are also reviewed. The requirements of communication systems to provide remote input data to the process computer are discussed, and the close interrelation of business and process computers is recognized. Information display is shown to play a very significant part in providing output to the system operators for further action. Concurrent with the developments in hardware have been significant advances in analytical techniques to encompass the increasing number of problems of system operation. These are reviewed in relation to the two major concerns, system security and system economics. An integrated information and control system may he achieved today for business, engineering, and system operation as a result of significant developments in hardware and in problem solution concepts. The optimum application of these improved equipments and analytical tools requires a total systems viewpoint in relation to both hardware and software.