Spatial Variability of Field‐Measured Denitrification Gas Fluxes

The structure and magnitude of the spatial variability of N2O and N2O + N2 fluxes were investigated along 12 transects of a Yolo loam (Typic Xerorthents) field site. The field‐measured N2O and N2O + N2 fluxes were In‐normally distributed and exhibited large spatial variability. Calculated coefficients of variation ranged from 161 to 508% for the N2O + N2 fluxes and 282 to 379% for the N2O fluxes. Analysis of autocorrelograms and partial autocorrelograms showed that in only 1 transect out of the 12 did the N2O and N2O + N2 fluxes reveal any spatial dependence indicative of an autore‐gressive process. Thus, the denitrification flux values for this field site are considered to be spatially independent. With a knowledge of the frequency distribution and variances of the measured gas fluxes, it was calculated to require from 156 to 4117 N2O + N2 flux measurements and 350 N2O flux measurements to estimate the “true” mean flux within ±10% of the estimated mean on a 3 by 36 m experimental plot.