Characterization of the expression-linked gene copies of variant surface glycoprotein 118 in two independently isolated clones ofTrypanosoma brucel

We have analysed the gene for variant surface glycoprotein 118 in eight independent clones of Trypanosoma brucei two of which express the 118 gene. Expression of this gene is strictly coupled to the presence of an extra copy of the gene. In both clones the expression-linked copy is transposed to the same (or a very similar) expression site elsewhere in the genome, but the length of the sequences flanking the transposed segment in the expression site differs markedly. By means of S 1 nuclease protection experiments we demonstrate that the 3'-ends of the messenger RNA8 for variant surface glycoproteins 118a and 118b are different, in agreement with the hypothesis that the generation of an expression-linked copy involves a recombination between the 3' segment of the basic gene copy and a homologous region present in the expression site.