We analyzed a developmentally regulated prestalk-specific gene from Dictyostelium discoideum encoding a cathepsin-like protease. A hybrid gene was constructed by fusing 2.5 kilobases of 5' flanking sequences and part of the coding region of the gene in-frame to the Escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase gene and was transformed into D. discoideum cells. In cells transformed with this vector, the gene fusion showed the same temporal regulation as the endogenous gene during multicellular development and, like endogenous prestalk genes, was highly inducible by cyclic AMP in in vitro cell cultures. Moreover, immunofluorescence studies showed that the fusion protein had the same spatial distribution within the migrating pseudoplasmodium as the endogenous gene. The results indicate that the regions of the D. discoideum prestalk-specific cathepsin gene contain all the necessary information for proper temporal, spatial, and cyclic AMP regulation of a prestalk cell-type gene in D. discoideum transformants and leads the way for experiments to identify the cell-type-specific regulatory elements.