69 lines of the J=56 pure rotational spectrum have been measured. Lines were found due to the following molecules in their normal isotopic abundances; Br79 C12 N14, Br81 C12 N14, Br79 C13 N14, Br81 C13 N14, Br79 C12 N15, and Br81 C12 N15. Transitions have been found in the vibrational states (0 0 0), (0 11 0), (1 0 0), (0 20 0), (0 22 0), and (1 11 0). The apparatus is described and experimental results are compared with those of previous investigators. Fermi resonance effects have been observed and analyzed. A dependence of the l- type doubling constant on the bromine quadrupole field has been found. Quadrupole coupling constants have been determined for the first excited vibrational states in Br79 C12 N14 and Br81 C12 N14.