Theoretical study of the A′ 5Σ+g and C″ 5Πu states of N2: Implications for the N2 afterglow

Theoretical spectroscopic constants are reported for the A5Σ+g and C5Πu states of N2 based on CASSCF/MRCI calculations employing large ANO Gaussian basis sets. Our calculated A5Σ+g potential differs qualitatively from previous calculations in that the inner well is significantly deeper (De ≊3450 cm1). The potential also has a substantial barrier (≊500 cm1) to dissociation with a maximum near 4.3 a0, and then a shallow (≊47 cm1) van der Waals minimum near 6.3 a0. We suggest that it is the v=4 and v=5 levels that are involved in predissociating the a 1Πg and B 3Πg states, as opposed to v=0 and v=1 proposed by Verma. The deeper well in the A5Σ+g state provides considerable support for the theory of Berkowitz, Chupka, and Kistiakowsky who proposed that A5Σ+g is the primary precursor state involved in the yellow Lewis–Rayleigh afterglow of nitrogen. The theoretical De for the C5Πu state is also much larger than previous estimates. The previously unassigned Hermann infrared system (HIR) band positions correspond exceptionally well to our theoretical values for the C5ΠuA5Σ+g transition. This and other considerations lead to a rather convincing assignment of this transition as the HIR system. Einstein coefficients and radiative lifetimes are presented for this transition. Since the natural radiative lifetime of this state is much longer than experimental estimates, the C5Πu state may derive its actual lifetime through interaction with the C 3Πu state.