Decay of 6.3-MinBr78

The nuclide 6.3-min Br78 has been made by the reactions (γ, n), (n, 2n), (p, n), (d, 2n),and (α, n), and its decay properties have been investigated by positron decay-curve analysis, by application of a standard chemical isomer-separation procedure, by searching for conversion electrons, and by studying the gamma-ray and positron-gamma-coincidence spectra. The early portion of the positron decay curve exhibited a single 6.25±0.2-min component, and no active daughter of this species was chemically separable from active CBr4. Conversion electrons were not found, and soft gamma rays were shown to be absent. There are 12-kev x rays, of intensity about 0.05 relative to the positrons and therefore presumed to be K x rays of Se resulting from electron capture. These results show that 6.3-min Br78 has no daughter isomer and probably no >10-sec parent isomer. There is a 615-kev gamma ray, in coincidence with positrons, and of intensity 0.139 that of all positrons, representing decay of Br78 to Se78 in the 615-kev 2+ state. However, no evidence for decay to Se78 in the 1.32-Mev state could be found. From these data it was deduced that 6.3-min Br78 decays 81% by positron emission and 6% by electron capture to ground-state Se78, 11% by positron emission and 2% by electron capture to Se78 in the 615-kev state, and Se78 in the 1.32-Mev state. The disintegrations of Br78 to Se78 in the ground state and 615-kev state have logft values of 4.8 and 5.2, respectively, indicating that the spin of ground-state Br78 is 1, with even parity. The absence of isomerism is discussed in terms of the locations of expected energy levels, with reference to the known locations of these levels in Br80.