Linatella cingulata (Lamarck), Ranella australasia (Perry), and Septa exarata (Reeve) are newly recorded fossil at Te Piki, Cape Runaway (Castlecliffian). Proxicharonia cf. clifdenensis (Finlay) is newly recorded from Oweka Creek, between Cape Runaway and Te Araroa (Opoitian), and from Hurupi Stream, Palliser Bay (Tongaporutuan), helping fill the time gap between Lillburnian (middle Miocene) and Recent forms. Charonia lampas (Linnaeus) subsp., Cabestana tabulata manawatuna Fleming, Ranella australasia australasia (Perry), Ranella n.sp., and large specimens of Haurokoa woodi (Fleming) and Sassia (Austrosassia) pusulosa (Marwick) are recorded from Kapitean rocks east of Te Araroa, East Cape. The name Tritonium tabulatum Menke, 1843, is an earlier synonym for Cabestana waterhousei (A. Adams and Angas, 1865) and not for Septa exarata (Reeve, 1844). Mayena Iredale, 1917 is synonymised with Ranella Lamarck, 1816, and Monoplex Perry, 1811 and Cabestanimorpha Iredale, 1936 are synonymised with Septa Perry, 1810.