Monte Carlo simulations have been carried out for systems of 500 symmetric, linear triatomic molecules composed of fused hard spheres. Orientational ordering in these systems has been examined by calculating two types of distribution functions: (1) angle-dependent pair distribution functions, g(r12ω1ω2), expanded in spherical harmonics; and (2) site–site distribution functions, gαβ(rαβ), which describe the distribution of atom centres. Pressures calculated from a virial-like equation have been compared with several theoretical estimates based on modifications of the Carnahan–Starling equation. Structure factors, Hd(k), have been calculated by Fourier transforming the gαβ(rαβ), and the results compared with recent X-ray and neutron scattering data for CS2. The calculated gαβ(rαβ) have been compared with values predicted by the reference interaction site model (RISM) equation.