The high‐pressure phase diagrams of CsN3, TlN3, RbN3, and KN3 were studied by means of differential thermal analysis and volume displacement. These substances decompose explosively near ∼ 460°C even at high pressures. CsN3, TlN3, and RbN3 each have a new high‐pressure transformation with a volume change of ∼ 3.5% near 6 kbar at 25°C. The transition pressures increase with temperature. In the case of CsN3 this transition line meets the tetragonal/bcc transition line at a triple point at 173°C, 8 kbar. The resulting CsN3 III/bcc phase boundary was followed to 37 kbar, where it is terminated by explosive decomposition. The TlN3 tetragonal/bcc boundary was followed to 20 kbar, where it is also terminated. The melting curves of KN3 and TlN3 were followed only to ∼ 5 kbar, where they are terminated.

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