We use the memory-function formalism to investigate G̃s (k,p,p,t), the time autocorrelation function for the single-particle density in phase space and Ss (k,w), the incoherent scattering function of Van Hove. Following a recent treatment for coherent neutron scattering by Akcasu and Duderstadt, we derive a formally exact equation for G̃s. If we assume that the relevant memory function is separable and given by ϕ̃s (k,p,p,t)=ϕ̃s (p,p,o)Φ̃(k,t), then the equation for G̃s reduces to a generalized Fokker-Planck equation which can be exactly solved. We use two simple forms for Φ̃(k,t), a Gaussian and an exponential, to study the analytical solution both numerically and in various limits. We also compare these results with those obtained in the molecular dynamics computations by Nijboer and Rahman and discuss the extent of validity of the separability assumption for the memory function.