SUMMARY: The response of winter wheat cv. Maris Huntsman to waterlogging was studied in two experiments in soil columns outdoors. Winter waterlogging treatments increased nodal root production and the proportion of aerenchyma within roots, but caused chlorosis and premature senescence of leaves, and decreased tillering. For all treatments, grain losses were much less than expected from the extent of tiller loss in winter; losses after single waterlogging events ranged from 2% (after 47 days with the water-table at 5 cm) to 16% (after 80 days with the water-table at the soil surface). Yield losses after three waterloggings at the seedling, tillering and stem elongation stages of growth were additive, and totalled 19%. In many treatments, grain loss was associated with lighter individual grain weights, suggesting that the size of the root system or efficiency of water and nutrient uptake by roots at the later stages of growth may have been less after earlier waterlogging. The importance of nitrogen fertilizer in maintaining a satisfactory plant nitrogen status was shown when nitrogen was with held before a 3-week waterlogging treatment during stem elongation; tiller and floret survival was subsequently greatly restricted and grain yields decreased 22% below those of plants waterlogged at the same stage of growth but supplied with nitrogen.