Petrology of Rhyolitic and Mixed Magma Ejecta from the 1875 Eruption of Askja, Iceland

Three main groups of plutonic nodules are present in the Lesser Antilles arc and are interpreted as (a) phenocryst clusters, (b) metamorphosed wallrock xenoliths and (c) cumulate textured xenoliths. Large cumulate blocks display felsic-mafic layering, slump structures and auto-intrusive features. The majority of specimens are ad- and heteradcumulates with fewer ortho- and crescumulates. Interstitial scoria and glass are present in a variety of samples. Plagioclase, amphibole, cino- and orthopyroxene, olivine, magnetite, biotite, ilmenite, quartz and apatite are present in various proportions in individual blocks. Plagioclase and amphibole are modally predominant. Significant variation along the arc is displayed in the rarity of orthopyroxene and abundance of amphibole in the southern islands compared with the common presence of two pyroxenes in the northern islands.