Inelastic Scattering of 14.4-MeV Protons by the Even Isotopes of Titanium

Elastic and inelastic scattering of 14.4-MeV protons from isotopically enriched targets of Ti46,48,50 were studied. Angular distributions for many groups separated by more than 40 keV were obtained. The data were analyzed using the coupled-channel calculation. The vibrational collective model was used to describe the states of the bombarded nucleus. Several octupole states were found in both Ti46 and Ti48 but only one in Ti50. These results were compared with the results of α-particle scattering on the same nuclei. It was found that a discrepancy exists between the results of the experiments in the magnitudes of the deformabilities obtained for the octupole states. Spins and parities of some states in Ti48 and Ti50 were suggested. Electromagnetic transition rates were inferred from the deformabilities deduced from inelastic scattering data.