An outbreak of paralytic shellfish poisoning in western Norway

On 18 April 1981, 8 out of 10 persons who consumed mussels became affected by paralytic shellfish poisoning PSP (mytilotoxicosis). The shellfish were gathered in a non-polluted area, from which the local community had safely harvested mussels for consumption for many generations. The outbreak occurred earlier in the year than in previous cases reported in Norway, and represents a very early detection of PSP in mussels from the geographical area considered. The shellfish consumed contained 7900 MU (mouse units) of PSP/100 g of shellfish meat (wet weight). It was estimated that the 8 people who became ill, had ingested between 800 and 8300 MU. Food-poisoning bacteria could not be detected in the remains of the meals. The gills and digestive tract of shellfish collected from the locality 3 days later contained planktonic algae, including small numbers of the potentially toxin-producing dinoflagellates Gonyaulax excavata (Braarud) Balech and Prorocentrum minimum Schiller. The present outbreak does not comply with assertions that PSP can only occur in mussels a) growing in a polluted area, b) in the months of May–July, and c) following a bloom of toxin-producing dinoflagellates, though there is a possibility that a bloom had occurred before the outbreak. Descriptors. Paralytic shellfish poisoning, outbreak, Norway, dinoflagellates, Gonyaulax excavata, Prorocentrum minimum.